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Saturday 18 May 2013

Review : RG 1/144 Aile Strike Gundam

Hi Guys,

Today , Lightning Quantum's Base proudly present the finished RG 1/144 Aile Strike Gundam .Lol. Nevermind. Ok as you can see , this kit is my 10th kit. Yes , and today i'm going to do a review for this guy .It took a month to assembled it because i had a mid year exam that took 3 weeks to finished. So can only build him on weekends.

Ok lets start the review~

Well Real Grade is fame by it super articulate kit in 1/144 and strike is one of it. I'm not gonna explain it . Let photos do the job.
Okay I'm going to explain it . Instead of using socket-peg from the HG , this one use a slot-type connecter , which is located under the main thruster nozzels.

Part of the forearm can be slided. Yes the finger are moveable ( thumbs and index while remaining three as one piece).

not so full split he~
The leg consist of three main sliding block : the thigh , the knee cap and hip.

The hatch can be open revealing an empty seat inside . So i put a figure there . And the figure is Mu La Flaga  from RG skygrasper. Some had complain that the figure is lack of detail , but the size of 1/144 , who even noticed it .
Hi there Mu.

kira yamato figure.

Aile Striker Pack
The back pack is fully articulate , which i don't show it.
Details freak~

Aile Strike Gundam
And here it is the star of the review. Okay when i put aile striker pack into the strike , i was amazed. the weight of pack does not really effect the weight of the kit (not like my freedom ).
The RG line improves the 1/144 form factor articulation tothe level of larger and more pricey Master Grade (MG)  and this incarnation of strike is  more proportionate compare to it's 1/144 HG.

The backpack itself is quite a feat in assembling it, ranging from flaps to the moveable bottom thrusters.

Action Pose
This kit also can do ground poses with it heavy back pack . Thumbs up bandai.

A very dinamic kit on 1/144 scale . I'm so impress

The sabers hilt comes in two types, one with a peg that can be attached to the palm (also used with beam riffle) abd the other without the peg.

  • Amazing articulation
  • Fun to build 
  • Amazingly detailed
  • The backpack not effect the weight of the kit as much as i thought
  • Tiny parts
  • Some joint may loose after you move it roughly
Okay guys , thats it . Now i'm going to start assemble the RG 1/144 Skygrasper. Till then , chiou~


  1. The strike looks amazing, btw when will you finished the RG 1/144 Skygrasper ?

  2. nice review , keep up the good work


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