Announcement : It is time to kick-start this blog again folks~

Tuesday 23 February 2016

HMM Liger Zero Schneider X Jager Gallery

Okay first thing first, this is the first time I've ever build a Zoids model kit, so I'm not very familiar with the build process. This is also my first ever bootleg kit that I've ever own. Snap fitting this kit was a challenge because some of the joint and peg were to big or to small to connect with. I had to sand some peg and drill bigger hole before snap fitting to parts together.

For my first bootleg kit, i had a good experience building it even though i often heard others had it worse. I'm very satisfied with the model kit itself after i done building it. It manage to capture the overall looked of the Liger Zero in the anime and presented to you into a model kit.

Anyway, here are some photos of Liger Zero in its fastest form. Enjoy~

*oh ,i forget to mention that this kit had sat in my shelf for about 2 years now, so i apologize if you see some dust on it :p*

Till the next post ( which i think it is exia :p). Bye~

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