Announcement : It is time to kick-start this blog again folks~

Thursday 18 February 2016

HG 1/144 Hyakuren Gallery

When I first saw this kit, I had a mixed felling about it. I like the overall look of it but at the same time I don't know what to feel about the face and the gun. Despite my dissatisfaction towards the kit I still purchased it though , because this is an IBO kit, and I'm a huge fan.

After I started building it, my opinion somehow changed. I'm now in love with this kit. The overall concept is very intriguing and unique. This mobile suit sure gave you one hell of a ride when you building it. Well not naze turbine's kind of a ride  ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

Anyway as stated on the title above , here is HG 1/144 Hyakuren at its finest. Enjoy~

Ending this post with some 'SERIOUSSS  PUNCHHH !!!!'

Kudos to whoever gets the joke XD. Till the next post.               *apparently RG exia is coming*

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