Announcement : It is time to kick-start this blog again folks~

Sunday 23 December 2012

WIP 2: RG 1/144 Freedom Gundam

Hi guys,
Welcome again to my blog.Today i'm going to post my second wip for RG freedom Gundam .Well ,nothing much to say actually , this kit is great . And two days building , I only manage to finish this......

Really cool kit ~ love the detail. I put decals on and the result is awesome and nice.It give the gundam a "real thing " sense. 
 ah.... and a zoom in to Kira Yamato figure.This thing is really small . The height of this figure is 2 cm!!!
 close up view

 This kit fingers have joints so it can move.Bandai really wanted us to enjoy the numerous gimmicks incorporated in this small size 1/144 scale model.
The movable range on this kit is.........So Cool!!! You can see the inner frame when you bend the joint.Nice gimmicks bandai.Thumbs up!

 Oh, and the cockpit itself can be open .But there is no figure there.

 So here is kira yamato on freedom hand.

That's it , and again thank you for viewing this blog , you guys rock!!


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