Announcement : It is time to kick-start this blog again folks~

Sunday 6 March 2016

RG 1/144 GP01 Zephyranthes Gallery

Finally, I managed to finish this kit. This kit was originally planned to be my temporally last kit before I stopped gunpla-ing two years ago. Unfortunately, I was too busy to finished it and only recently I continue where I left off.

Anyway, I want to mention that this kit looks awesome. I love the simplicity of the design and once again it proved that simple mobile suit design often make for the best. Accessories also came in small quantity, though I only encounter problem with the shield due to its oversized design. Because of that, the zephyranthes had some weight issue when posing as the kit tend to sag to the left.

Other than that, I'm quiet happy with the kit itself. Enjoy the photos.

That is it guys. Till the next post. Bye.

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